
This is one of our projects. Within two years we want to build two guest rooms so that we can welcome visitors on our farm. This goes along with our passion for permaculture. We want to share with visitors the beauty of our place but also what comes out of the food forest.

When starting this project we knew very little about the practical aspects of permaculture in Ghana. We started knowing very well that it will be learning by doing. Every day we add new experience and knowledge about the interactions between plants soil and animals. It is challenging but very fulfilling. These experiences we want to share with visitors and interested partners. We strongly believe that in an active exchange both parties can add to their knowledge.

Working together
In this sense we are looking for partners who would like to spend some times with us, working in field and factory and exchanging about how we can improve the world we are living in. As soon as our on farm accommodation is ready we will start promoting this part of our vision and offer farm stays to interested people.